
Devialet Phantom op

Ik ontkom er niet aan om me aan te sluiten bij de grote groep (internationale) collega’s die de loftrompet steekt over de Devialet Phantom.

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Devialet Phantom in HVT

"Nee, het gaat opeens alleen maar over de muziek waar jij en je vrienden naar luisteren en het delen van al dat luisterplezier."

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Crystal Cable Arabesque Minissimo in HVT

De Crystal Cable Arabesque Minissimo is een aanrader met stip. Als u op zoek bent naar topklasse weergave, dan moet u ze gehoord hebben...

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Devialet Phantom in illustere Wired

"A wine glass placed on top of the Phantom during a Nirvana playlist didn’t budge."

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Clearaudio Absolute Phono Inside – in Hifi News

"The result is a truly captivating sound quality that is difficult to criticise on any level."

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Devialet Ensemble in Editors Choice (Hifi Choice)

"This package provides an exceptionally smooth and balanced insight into the music, and while it ain’t cheap, that you get the same Devialet tech fitted to its amps costing four times as much with quality speakers thrown in, makes this a high-end bargain."

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Siltech Saga in Stereophile Magazine

"I have never heard digital sources sound as convincingly real, as fully fleshed out, as free of artifacts, or as genuinely enjoyable as they did through the Siltech SAGA.."

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Devialet Phantom in Music Emotion

“Phantom levert een geluidkwaliteit die voldoet aan dezelfde eisen die gesteld worden aan high-end luidsprekers."

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Crystal Cable Minissimo in Hifi News magazine

"Refreshing in so many ways especially its unusual form, the Arabesque Minissimo surprised this listener with its friendly sound and ease-of-use."

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